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My Fanfiction Stories

My fanfiction tend to be updated sporadically but I have been working on a couple for a while that I will post the stories here~.


2022 - 2023

A My Little Pony fanfic that starts at the end of Season 4 and set 20 odd years in the future starring a next generation cast that I created.



Flurry Heart has always needed to be perfect, to have to become the absolut perfect Princess and future Queen. But under the stress of that perfection and sickening drive, darkness brews in her heart that wants that same perfection - at any cost.


It's up to Nebula, the daughter to Sombra and Princess Twilight Sparkle, along with her friends, to try to stop Flurry Heart in her dangerous strive for -everything perfect-.

Sailor Moon Stones


A Sailor Moon fanfic that starts at the end of Season 5 as a new season. It stares 13 new sailor soldiers (12 of the Zodiac) and the main new sailor soldier named Sailor Ophiuchus as the main leader.



One night, during a terribly busy star shower that Yuka was watching on her own, something falls to her yard and it turns out to be some rather odd stone. Once picking up that stone, it changes her life infinitely.


She finds herself able to transform and given a task to find the 12 other stones that fell that night. Each one pulls a girl from somewhere on the planet to her. As she gathers her team and struggles to figure out the meaning of the Sailor Soldier's existence, the Planetary Soldiers are hunting her and her allies down, expecting a fight.

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